Keeping It Going!

For 2011 I am setting my goals high but completely within my grasp!

I intend to do a race a month finishing out the year by running as a Hero in the 2011 St. Jude FULL Marathon!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ran 1.965 miles in 30:00 @ 15:16 min/miles pace, weather was cloudy, temperature around 45 degrees.

Excellent. :) I got off work early today (its New Year's Eve and the boss lady said go home, so I went) and the entire way home I was looking forward to running...

Talk about crazy, huh? LOL

Today's run was 13-1-13-2. And to think that 3 weeks ago I was struggling to make it through 3 minutes and now I'm up to 13. Its amazing and exciting and I'm very proud of myself.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day 12

Bet you thought I'd stopped, huh? LOL No, just went home for Christmas, ate WAY to much food and enjoyed my time with my family instead of running.

The thing is, though, that I didn't want to be too far behind on my training, sooooooo tonight I ran 12 min, walked 1 min. rpt 2x, run 4 minutes. :D I did it and I don't feel dead! Huzzah!

Ran 1.966 miles in 30:02 @ 15:17 min/miles pace, weather was mostly cloudy, temperature around 32 degrees.

I am glad tomorrow is an Easy 30 minute walk day...although I think instead of walking I'm gonna do 30 minutes on my new Wii Fit Plus I got for Christmas. Sounds much more enjoyable than walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day 11

So I didn't run day 11. :P I know, I know, bad Sara. I'll do that run tonight - it was supposed to be a rest day anyway, so I'll just switch the days. I still feel lazy today because I didn't run last night though.

Today's run will be: Run 7 minutes, Walk 1 minute, Repeat 3x, Run 6 minutes.

I can and will do this.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 10

Today I ran 1.940 miles in 30 minutes for a pace of 15:28 min/mile. It was a Run 6 minutes, Walk 1 minute, Repeat 4x and then run another 2 minutes. Holy cow that 6 minutes felt like forever! I'm drenched in sweat and out of breath. Luckily tomorrow is the same as today, so I have another day to get used to the 6 minutes of running before I bump it up to 8 minutes. Although I think I might alter my scheduled run for tomorrow and do Run 7 minutes, Walk 1 minute, Repeat 3x, Run another 6 minutes for the 30 minutes. I don't think I can jump from 6 to 8.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Day 9

Well, I almost didn't run today, I'll be honest. But we were watching "Intervention" on A&E and the chick on there motivated me to get off my butt and on the treadmill. :) I'm glad I did. I always feel so much better about myself after I've worked out, I've just got to remember that when I don't want to work out.

Today's run was again, Run 5 minutes, Walk 1 minute; Repeat 5x.

I did 30 minutes, 1.941 miles for a pace of 15:27 minutes per mile.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Day 8

Today's run was a bit of a killer. I think I'm coming down with something, and most likely shouldn't have run, but it felt good to do it. It was just a lot today.

Today's run was to Run 5 minutes, Walk 1 minute; Repeat 5x. I went 1.930 miles in 30 minutes for a pace of 15:34 minutes per mile.

Now, you might be thinking to yourself, "Wait a minute! Wasn't Sara's pace faster yesterday?!"

You'd be right. Yesterday I tried to up not only the number of minutes out of the 30 I actually ran but also I tried to up the pace I did it at as well. This I've decided is a mistake. I'm going to first focus on actually being able to run the 3.1 miles and THEN I'll worry about working on speed. I should have a couple of weeks between the build up and the race to work on it in. I'm not trying to WIN, I'm just focusing on finishing. :)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Day 7

Ran 30 minutes, Run 4 minutes, Walk 1, repeat 6x at a pace of 15:26 minutes per mile and I went 1.943 miles.

I had hoped that by upping my speed for 1/2 the run I would break the 2 mile make, but it didn't happen, but maybe tomorrow which will be Run 5 minutes, Walk 1; repeat 5x. :) I'm keeping at it.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 6

So again I did not wake up sore at all this morning. I keep expected, on a day after I push myself, to wake up all stiff and sore and not wanting to move, but so far its not happened yet. :) I see it as building gradually and my body is adjusting well to the increase each time, not that I'm moving too slowly. ;)

So far I have been doing the run part at a 4 mph pace and the walk at a 3 mph pace... since tonight is a repeat of last night's run I'm gonna bump that pace up just a touch. I'm gonna try the run at at 4.2 mph pace and the walk at a 3.2 mph pace. We'll see if that kills me or not. I'm gonna have to start moving a bit faster tho, if I want to get to a decent time, you know?

Tonight's run is: Run 4 minutes, Walk 1 minute; Repeat 6x for a total of 30 minutes.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Day 5 Con't

1.900 miles in 30 minutes for a pace of 15:47 miles per minute.

Slowly but surely shaving time off the pace and adding distance to the time. :) Getting there and I feel good about it.

Day 5

So I didn't end up doing my walk last night. I know, bad start, right? Instead I was asleep by 9 pm. I don't know if I'm coming down with something or what but this is getting silly. The day before last night I was asleep by 9:30 pm. I could not hold my eyes open any longer. Ugh. Tonight I will do my run tho. Yesterday I will use as my rest for this week, since it was just a walk any way, but I have to stick with the running part of the schedule.

Tonight's scheduled run is Run 4 minutes Walk 1 minute; Repeat 6 x.

Oh boy. I can do this, tho, I know I can. Just have to stay focused on my goals and see it through to the end. :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day 4

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I am surprisingly not sore at all from last night's run. I really expected to feel it today. Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled that I am not hurting today, but its a bit of a shock. Tonight is an "Easy 30 Minute Walk" day, but I'm gonna bump up my speed to 3.2 mph instead of 3 mph which is what I did last time. I've gotta start upping my speed on the walk days so that I work on my speed overall.

I've put some Under Armour Cold Gear, new running shoes and the Nike+ sensor on my wish list, but I'm afraid its too close to Christmas to get any of it. We'll see. It'd be nice though so I don't have to buy the stuff. One way or the other, after Christmas I'm gonna be getting all of the above so I can start (kinda) comfortably training outside at least once a week, maybe twice.

I have a love/hate relationship with the treadmill. I love that I can run inside and now deal with the cold, but its so boring and I know that its not the same as outside training. I have learned that I can't run and watch TV...I'm a music and run kinda gal. It keeps me much more focused and the beat helps me keep pace.

I'll do another post later tonight with my thoughts of doing the 30 minutes at a 3.2 mph pace. :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 3 cont'ed

I ran for 1.886 miles in 30 minutes for a pace of 15:54 minutes per mile. :) Huzzah!

Day 3

As it says, I am training for three races for the year 2010. There will be a 5k in February, a 10k in May and then the St. Jude 1/2 Marathon in December. Oh boy! This is where I will post what I am doing training wise and my thoughts on the training.

Water consumption has been good today. I drank 1 of my water bottles full this morning and then have had 1/2 of one this afternoon. I plan on finishing it before I leave work.

Day 1 (Sunday, December 6, 2009): Run 2 minutes, walk 1 minute for a total of 30 minutes (1.8 miles for a 16.25 minutes per mile pace) - I did this without a hitch. There were a couple of times that I was really ready for that two minutes to be up, but I did it and felt great.

Day 2 (Monday, December 7, 2009): Easy walk for 30 minutes (1.5 miles at a 1% incline for a 20 minutes per mile pace). I wasn't even sweating by the end of it. I wanted to quit at the 20 minute just because I was bored. Not good, I know, but I finished the training for the day and tonight will have some running.

Day 3 (Tuesday, December 8, 2009): Run 3 minutes, walk 1 minute for a total for 30 minutes. My goal is to meet this goal with a pace of at least 16.25 minutes per mile. I hope to knock some time off of that, but we'll see.